perfect state

美 [ˈpɜːrfɪkt steɪt]英 [ˈpɜːfɪkt steɪt]
  • 网络完美状态;理想状态;完全阶段
perfect stateperfect state
  1. The employee satisfaction of QD airport is thought in an upper level , but still far away from a perfect state .


  2. Ultimately , the perfect state required by double strategic goals of achieving economic development of aerospace technology application industry and safeguarding national security will be reached .


  3. But about the two words not perfect state now .


  4. Perfect State Description to the Solution of the Minimum Traffic Cost Problem


  5. This goal he described as the perfect state .


  6. The system still has a long road to go before reaching the perfect state .


  7. Ideally perfect state ; especially in its social and political and moral aspects .


  8. If you want to really grow , being in the perfect state is critical .


  9. The Physical Level is the first step toward restoring things to their perfect state .


  10. He made it to the perfect state and successfully conquered the audience all over the world .


  11. So far , the theory of insurance marketing has matured and evolved into a perfect state .


  12. The rebirth of the Phoenix is for creation of a perfect state .


  13. Perfect State of Using Allusions Without Being Detected & Research on Allusions Used by Qian Zhongshu


  14. In the perfect state the interests of every citizen would be perfectly blended with the interests of society .


  15. Our ancient music appearance-sprite theory attained the perfect state by his elucidating .


  16. We describe that perfect state transfer can be carried out in spin networks which has the mirror inversion symmetry .


  17. In China , the compensation for mental injury right from scratch , from simple to specific , never perfect state to gradually improve the state of .


  18. Laozi considers Tao as the origin of life , and as the rules of life activity and the perfect state of existence of life .


  19. In theory , the arithmetic of AIMD make congestion window 's size converges to a perfect state , and different nodes can fairly share bandwidth .


  20. As a perfect state of moral conception and matters ," harmoniousness " has been diligently sought after by human beings for thousands of years .


  21. Health is not only a state of non-disease and non-debility , but also refers to a perfect state between human body , spirit and healthy society .


  22. In traditional Taoism Chinese philosophy , the harmonious balance between the opposing forces of " Yin " and " Yang " is the perfect state of being .


  23. Until Marx and Engels , the mainstream of tragedy figures had been that tragedy figure is either at flaw or fault rather than in perfect state ;


  24. You are not willing to accept yourself as you are embodied , or even take the time to find out exactly who you are and what your perfect state feels like .


  25. To raise machining efficiency and make NC machine working in a perfect state , manipulator would constantly adjust feed rate and main spindle speed trim knobs in the operate panel .


  26. The valence of manganese in lithium manganate is one + 3 and one + 4 , so 3.5 is the perfect state , in which the electrochemical performance is better .


  27. Then the author calculates the stress condition of graded crushed stone , compares with the perfect state and determines the factor of graded crushed stone being compressed completely .


  28. Machines have three states , namely , perfect state , usable state and failure state , the states of the machines can transfer to each other , and the buffer is unreliable .


  29. Meanwhile , some important problems on how to establish perfect state special meteorological science and technology innovation system were put forward experimentally according to the view of science worker as well as the specific characteristics of SMI .


  30. The basis of art designs is the creating of figures , which needs the creating consciousness greatly . The perfect state of arts is never to copy the objective things but to control them creatively .
